Author: NBATitleChase

VIDEO: How The Tesla Autopilot Sees The Road

How The Tesla Autopilot Sees The Road. Here's how the Tesla autopilot sees the road!by @Tesla @jblefevre60#SelfDrivingCars #SmartCar #Autonomous #Transport #AI #MachineLearning #ML #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence Cc: @SpirosMargaris @HaroldSinnott @Paula_Piccard — Ronald van Loon #CiscoLive #HPEDiscover (@Ronald_vanLoon) June 27, 2020

PHOTO List Of All US Tech Companies Founded By First And Second Generation Immigrants

List Of All US Tech Companies Founded By First And Second Generation Immigrants. U.S. technology companies founded by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants AppleGoogleAmazonFacebookOracleIBMUberAirbnbYahooIntelEMCeBaySpaceXVMWareAT&TTeslaNVIDIAQualcommPaypalADPRedditSlackWeWorkStripeCognizantIntuit3MZoom 43% of Fortune 500 companies — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) June 27, 2020