Author: NBATitleChase

VIDEO Of Protests In Venice California

Protests In Venice California. Today in Venice. Peaceful protest march that went from early morning hours until 5pm. Venice police were non confrontational, accommodating and professional. They protected and served. It is possible. — Tim Robbins (@TimRobbins1) June 3,…

VIDEO: Youth Protesters Assemble At UP Diliman

Youth Protesters Assemble At UP Diliman. Youth activists join the protest at UP Diliman, calling for the junking of the anti-democratic Terror Bill. Despite broad opposition, the bill passed the second reading yesterday#JUNKTERRORBILLNOW#JunkTerrorBill — #JoinLFS #OustDuterte (@softpiapatrice) June 3,…

VIDEO: Police Brutality In Philadelphia Yesterday

Police Brutality In Philadelphia Yesterday. twitter keeps removing my post showing police brutality in philadelphia yesterday. officers spraying mace point blank in peaceful protesters faces while they sit still and comply. disgusting abuse. please share and retweet.#BlackLivesMatter — linds…