Bong Joon Ho Says He’s Ready To Drink Tonight After Winning Oscar. "I'm ready to drink tonight" – Bong Joon Ho — CJ Fogler (@cjzero) February 10, 2020
Author: NBATitleChase
VIDEO: Brie Larson Crying At The Oscars
Brie Larson Crying At The Oscars. THE WAY THAT TAIKA WAITITI INTRODUCED BRIE LARSON AND GAL GADOT. WE NEVER LOSE DO WE ?? #Oscars — ella (@tearsofgreys) February 10, 2020
PHOTO Brie Larson Has Amazing Boobs
Brie Larson Has Amazing Boobs.
The Academy Remembers Kobe Bryant At The Oscars GIF
The Academy Remembers Kobe Bryant At The Oscars Dot GIF. The Academy remembers Kobe Bryant. #Oscars — ABC News (@ABC) February 10, 2020
Full VIDEO: Billie Eilish Singing The Beatles’ “Yesterday” For The “In Memoriam” Segment Which Featured Kobe Bryant
Billie Eilish Singing The Beatles’ “Yesterday” For The “In Memoriam” Segment Which Featured Kobe Bryant. Billie Eilish cantando Yesterday en el In Memoriam, el primero en salir: Kobe Bryant 😭😭😭😭😭 — Edd (@Eddo2102) February 10, 2020
Kobe Bryant Thanking The Academy For His Oscar GIF
Kobe Bryant Thanking The Academy For His Oscar Dot GIF. Seeing Kobe Bryant's face in the "In Memoriam" at the #Oscars2020 still feels surreal. 😥 — Elisa Hernandez (@EHernandezTV) February 10, 2020
Bong Joon Ho Losing It Sitting In His Chair After Name Is Called For Best Director GIF
Bong Joon Ho Losing It Sitting In His Chair After Name Is Called For Best Director GIF BONG JOON HO. BEST. DIRECTOR. #Oscars — Balvin | Big Boss (@LordBalvin) February 10, 2020
Kobe Bryant Shaking His With Steven Spielberg At Last Years Oscars GIF
Kobe Bryant at last years Oscars. I would have never guessed during his playing days Kobe would win an Oscar. Even more unbelievable is seeing him holding an Oscar during the in memoriam portion of the Oscars. #Oscars —…
PHOTO Bong Joon Ho Sipping Lemonade With Limes In It On The Beach
Bong Joon Ho is that dude.
Bong Joon Ho Holding His Head In Disbelief After Winning Best Director GIF
Bong Joon Ho Holding His Head In Disbelief After Winning Best Director Dot GIF. The winner for Best Director is Bong Joon Ho #Oscars — KCRW (@kcrw) February 10, 2020
PHOTO Idina Menzel Watching The Oscars Like What Is Going On
Idina Menzel Watching The Oscars Like What Is Going On.
VIDEO: Matthew Cherry Dedicates His Award To Kobe Bryant
Matthew Cherry Dedicates His Award To Kobe Bryant. "This award is dedicated to Kobe Bryant. May we all have a second act as great as his was." Matthew Cherry honored Kobe during his Oscars acceptance speech. (via @ABC) — Bleacher…
PHOTO Kobe Bryant Honored At The Oscars
Kobe Bryant Honored At The Oscars.
Close Up VIDEO: Brie Larson Showing Off Her Boobs Backstage At The Oscars
Brie Larson shwoing off at the Oscars. brie larson’s power?? unmatched — daysi ✧ (@marvelslarson) February 10, 2020
VIDEO: Hildur Gudnadóttir’s Moving Speech At The Oscars
Hildur Gudnadóttir’s Moving Speech At The Oscars. "To the girls, to the women, to the mothers, to the daughters who hear the music bubbling within, please speak up, we need to hear your voices." Watch Hildur Gudnadóttir's moving speech after…