A smashed up Tesla Cybertruck.
Author: NBATitleChase
VIDEO: Devin Nunes Trembling As He Explains Why Story About Him Is False
Devin Nunes trying his best to make it look like he’s not lying.. You sound scared shitless, @DevinNunes. 🐄👻 #JustSaying https://t.co/OCxtDL8I7B — Devin Nunes' Alt-Mom (@NunesAlt) November 27, 2019
VIDEO” Sebastian Gorka says if Trump wins a second term, “he will be the most successful president since World War II, and that’s just a statement of fact”
Sebastian Gorka says if Trump wins a second term, “he will be the most successful president since World War II, and that’s just a statement of fact” Sebastian Gorka says if Trump wins a second term, "he will be the…
VIDEO: Donald Trump Confused Thinks He Won In A Campaign Against Barrack Obama
Donald Trump Confused Thinks He Won In A Campaign Against Barrack Obama. I don’t know what’s more disturbing trumps lying psychobabble word salad or the supporters that believe anything he says and blindly cheer him on. His base is a…
VIDEO: Donald Trump Slurring At Sunrise Florida Rally
Donald Trump Slurring At Sunrise Florida Rally. Drunken raper crime lord. https://t.co/mQMq5HO8CE — James Morrison (@JamesPMorrison) November 27, 2019
VIDEO: Ben Carson Says Donald Trump Doesn’t Engage In Identity Politics
Ben Carson Says Donald Trump Doesn’t Engage In Identity Politics. Ben Carson says the President doesn’t engage in identity politics pic.twitter.com/NZQ2AsqceL — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) November 27, 2019
VIDEO: Donald Trump Saying “This Is Not Normal, Do You Think This Is Normal?”
Donald Trump saying controversial stuff again. “This is not normal. Do you think this is normal?” pic.twitter.com/USdYKpujFp — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) November 27, 2019
PHOTO Coach K Draws Up Play For Duke And It’s Just A Bunch Of Lines
Coach K drew up one of the weirdest plays you will see because nobody knows what all these lines are for.
PHOTO SF Austin’s Nathan Bain Crying After Telling ESPN Audience During Post-Game Interview His Family Lost Everything In Hurricane In Bahamas
Nathan Bain crying explaining he and his famiy lost everything during hurricane in Bahamas.
VIDEO: Donald Trump Says When He Started Presidential Campaign What He Said He Was Going To Do Didn’t Mean Anything
Donald Trump on his meaningless campaign progress. “You know when I started this I said we’re going to this, we’re going to do that, we’re going to this.. It didn’t mean anything, you know it’s just like another guy trying…
PHOTOS Justin Timberlake Holding Hands With Married Women Who Had A Wedding Ring On
Justin Timberlake is bold for cheating on a women with a wedding ring on like it’s nothing. Look at the two holding hands in public.
Harry Styles Cheated On Taylor Swift
Harry Styles got caught cheating on Taylor Swift at a party with this girl that is much hotter than Taylor swift.
PHOTO Arianna Grande Cheating On Her Boyfriend With Teenager
Arianna Grande got caught cheating on her boyfriend with this guy.
VIDEO: Devin Nunes says he thinks CNN and The Daily Beast will not show up to court for impeachment hearings but he will track them down and hold them accountable
Devin Nunes says he thinks CNN and The Daily Beast will not show up to court for impeachment hearings but he will track them down and hold them accountable. lol. You're going to "track down" CNN?? An international media company…
PHOTO Of Sledgehammer Used In Tesla Cybertruck Demonstration
The sledgehammer that was used in the Tesla Cybertruck demonstration.