Michael Jordan And Tom Brady Playing Basketball In The Bahamas. Michael Jordan and Tom Brady playing pickup basketball in the Bahamas was legendary 🐐 (via clairecroox10/Instagram) pic.twitter.com/xeqQOYpwES — SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) April 19, 2020
VIDEO: Information On Canadian Gunman In Rampage
Information On Canadian Gunman In Rampage. BREAKING: Several deaths after gunman goes on rampage in Canada. pic.twitter.com/Sz2c1EF5yM — Al Jazeera News (@AJENews) April 19, 2020
VIDEO: Prime Minister Of Canada Sounding Like Hypocrite
Prime Minister Of Canada Sounding Like Hypocrite. If this video does not convince you that the prime minister is the biggest hypocrite in the history of Canada, then I dont know what will. Please Retweet #TrudeauNotFitForOffice #TrudeauWorstPM #TrudeauCorruption #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauDictatorship…
PHOTO Canadian Police With Their Guns Drawn During Active Shooter Incident
Canadian Police With Their Guns Drawn During Active Shooter Incident.
PHOTO Our Hearts Are With You Written In Chalk On Nova Scotia Sidewalk
Our Hearts Are With You Written In Chalk On Nova Scotia Sidewalk.
PHOTO Active Shooter In Canada Was In RCMP Vehicle
Active Shooter In Canada Was In RCMP Vehicle.