Liberty University’s president is insane. Clip of #LibertyUniversity president Jerry Falwell jr speculating on Fox News this month that #coronavirus may have been concocted by #NorthKorea + China to damage — Suzanne Lynch (@suzannelynch1) March 24, 2020
VIDEO: Jerry Falwell Jr Interview Pretending He’s Actually Doing Something About The Corona Virus For Liberty University
Jerry Falwell Jr Interview Pretending He’s Actually Doing Something About The Corona Virus For Liberty University.
VIDEO: The Story Behind Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr
The Story Behind Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. I wrote this video. Liberty University is going to reopen this week. Jerry Falwell Jr. has invited students back to class and ordered staff to show up. He will singlehandedly kill…
PHOTO Matt Rogers Tells Jerry Falwell To Call His Lawyer After Liberty University Re-Opens And Students Get Corona Virus
Matt Rogers Tells Jerry Falwell To Call His Lawyer After Liberty University Re-Opens And Students Get Corona Virus.
VIDEO: No One Walking Around Liberty University Campus After It Was Announced Dozens Of Students Have Corona Virus
No One Walking Around Liberty University Campus Concerned That Corona Virus Is Spreading. I'd like you to keep in mind, the same idiots who said Liberty University had thousands of students returning also are saying people on campus are sick.…
PHOTO Liberty University Has Insane Student Disciplines
Liberty University Has Insane Student Disciplines.