Rich people using Gucci gold plated toilet paper because the stores are out of regular toilet paper.
PHOTO Hot Chick Wearing Designer Face Mask To Stop Spread Of Corona Virus
Hot Chick Wearing Designer Face Mask To Stop Spread Of Corona Virus.
PHOTO Donald Trump’s Son Riding A Lion
Donald Trump’s Son Riding A Lion.
PHOTO Celebrities Telling Everyone To Stay Home Due To Corona Virus Despite Everyone Else Not Having Big Mansions Meme
Celebrities Telling Everyone To Stay Home Due To Corona Virus Despite Everyone Else Not Having Big Mansions Meme.
PHOTO Jay Cutler Smoking A Cigarette
Jay Cutler Smoking A Cigarette.
PHOTO Ivanka’s Trump Kids Washing Their Hands With Luxury Soap That Costs $39 Per Bottle
Ivanka’s Trump Kids Washing Their Hands With Luxury Soap That Costs $39 Per Bottle.