Giannis wasn’t happy with how the first half went.
PHOTO Jimmy Garoppolo’s New Girlfriend
Jimmy Garoppolos new girlfriend.
VIDEO: Houston Rockets Look Like Ponzi Scheme Basketball
The Rockets are basically ponzi scheme basketball. Ponzi scheme basketball — Daman Rangoola (@damanr) November 10, 2019
VIDEO Iowa State Goes For The Win Vs OU With 2 PT Conversion And Its Picked Off
What is Iowa State doing? Iowa State goes for the win, Oklahoma picks off the 2 point conversion — CJ Fogler (@cjzero) November 10, 2019
PHOTO Alabama Students At LSU Bama Game Spellout Impeach For Donald Trump
Alabama fans spelling out impeach for Donald Trump.
VIDEO: LSU Arrives Back In Baton Rouge To Huge Crowd After Beating Alabama
LSU back home to a huge crowd. LSU arrived in Baton Rouge after beating Alabama (via @CodyWorsham) — Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) November 10, 2019