Bob Myers is having trouble watching the Warriors lose for the first time in a while.
PHOTO: Klay Thompson Smug Look On His Face After Charles Barkley Says Warriors Aren’t Making Playoffs
The most smug you will ever see Klay Thompson.
VIDEO: Charles Barkley Tells Klay Thompson To His Face Warriors Won’t Make Playoffs
Charles Barkley tells Klay Thompson his “opinion” Charles Barkley straight up tells Klay Thompson to his face that the Warriors championship window is "shut" and that the Warriors won't make the playoffs. — gifdsports (@gifdsports) October 25, 2019
PHOTO Redskins Fan Holding Tomlin Time Sign
Redskins fan with the Tomlin Time sign.
VIDEO: Draymond Green Injures His Shoulder
Draymond Green appeared to injure shoulder while setting a screen, couldn't lift his right arm on defense — gifdsports (@gifdsports) October 25, 2019
VIDEO: Case Keenum Looking Around Confused Because He Has A Concussion
Case Keenum after his concussion. Case Keenum is either confused or seeking a Head & Shoulders endorsement (r @MinnesotaJones_) — CJ Fogler (@cjzero) October 25, 2019