How Liz Cambage showed up to a WNBA playoff game today.
PHOTO Odell Beckham Has A Billboard In NYC That Says New Team Who Dis
Odell Beckhma’s new billboard in NYC.
VIDEO: Drew Brees Tried To Grip A Football And Failed
Drew Brees can’t grip a football due to his likely broken hand. Drew Brees cannot grip a football right now 😳😢 — Jason McIntyre (@jasonrmcintyre) September 15, 2019
Still Shot Photo Matt Ryan Absolutely Baffled
Matt Ryan absolutely baffled.
Jim Schwartz Looks Like He’s Stoned GIF
Just look at Jim Schwartz looking stoned dot gif. Focused Jim Schwartz looks like he's stoned out of his mind — CJ Fogler (@cjzer0) September 16, 2019
PHOTO Drew Brees Wearing Thumb Brace For Torn Ligament
Drew Brees very likely has a broken hand and will have it checked tomorrow in Los Angeles.