Demarcus Cousins tearing his ACL earlier today.
VIDEO: Philadelphia Gunmen Getting Arrested
The suspect in the Philadelphia shooting getting arrested. This is allegedly the Philadelphia shooter. — Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) August 14, 2019
Close Up Video Of House Where Philadelphia Suspect Is
Philadelphia Active Shooting • 6 officers injured, non life threatening • Suspect live streaming on facebook • 2 officers pinned down in the house with two detained suspects • Temple University’s Health Sciences Center on lockdown #PhiladelphiaShooter #Philadelphia —…
LIVE Facebook Stream Philadelphia
FULL VIDEO: Philadelphia Barricade Situation
The Philly barcade situation full video. Gunfight still going on during a barricade situation in North Philadelphia. Confirmed by media that shooter live streamed the event on the internet. (From Natsecjeff) — DMM News (@corp_main) August 14, 2019
LIVE VIDEO: Police Shooting Incident In Philadelphia Pennsylvania