Steve Bullock with not his best politcal moment. I added the fart noise and it looks way too real. — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) July 31, 2019
FULL 5 Minute Video: Pirates Pitcher Tries To Take On Entire Reds Team
The Pirates and Red scuffle. Here's the whole shebang — Paid man gets bored (@cjzero) July 31, 2019 <
LIVE VIDEO: Coverage Of Gilroy Garlic Festival Tragedy
LIVE coverage. Police are responding to reports of a shooting incident at the Gilroy Garlic Festival on Sunday evening. — Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) July 29, 2019
PHOTO SWAT Team Closing In On Scene At Gilroy Garlic Festival
SWAT is now closing in. SWAT team moving into Gilroy as police cover scene of mass shooting in Northern California — Caroline (@RiskAlert) July 29, 2019
VIDEO: Victim Of Gilroy Festival Tragedy
VIDEO: Witness Explains What Happened At Gilroy Festival
Details On What Happened At Gilroy Festival A witness at the scene of Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting telling his story. He talks about the suspect that opened fire with a “machine gun.” — Gage Goulding (@GageGoulding) July 29, 2019